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  • 1 employee
UGC provider for brands

We help brands get affordable & effective UGC & organic video content for TikTok, Reels, and Shorts

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About generAi

We are generAI!

Currently, creating a video takes a lot of time, effort, and money, with no guaranteed results. We want to change that. We know there's a better way.

That better way is using AI.

generAI has two tools that help direct-to-consumer brands with video advertising.

The first is generGrade, an AI-based tool that grades the effectiveness of video advertising content. Brands create an account, upload their video, and receive a score indicating the likelihood of increased sales.

The second tool, generX, will be able to generate a video ad by just inserting a description of your product. This video will be generated in minutes rather than weeks with no shooting or editing required. It will be trained on the best-performing ads, meaning the content will guarantee you an ROI. Best of all, it will be a fraction of the cost.

Average size of their clients:
Startups/SMBs, Mid-market
Ecosystems they work in:
Facebook / Meta, Google, TikTok
The technology they use:
eCommerce and consumer brands
Here are their services:
Content Marketing